Friday 15 January 2010

Possible ideas

Idea 1:
This is our current main idea

This is a simple story about a scientist who returns to his home in the UK to find out that everyone around him is Dead due to a military Virus that was made to whipe out the ememies of the war. This war is not a real war in the real world but a war in the screen world of media.

This Virus was given to an enemy when he was captured but he didnt know what was going on. The people released him to make him go back to his side so that he can get everyone EFFECTED on his side.
This virus spread all over the UK and ended up clearing the whole nation of people. This infection takes 7 days to fully happen to turn anyone into a Zombie.

On the 7th day of the infection which turned everyone a man (Dr Matt Cozens) returns from a holiday in his private jet to the UK where he lives. He find his family dead (Sister) on the floor of her house. Before he found her dead he saw that something was wrong as soon as he walked in the house, (Door broken, window shattered).
He see's a tape in his sisters hand and then plays it to find that she told him to go away and save himself before something happens to him. (You can see her getting killed by some zombies which were trying to break in which she tried to stop.

He tries to figure whats going on when he returns to his private house. He needs food so he decides to go out and try getting some, on the way people chase him and he runs for it. He gets to safety but finds he got bitten on his hand.
He checks his blood to see if anything is wrong with him, he finds a infection.
On the 2n day he decides to go to his friends house who is a scientist aswell but he doesnt know that he was working to create the virus in the Military.
He drives to his house (thinks it empty because no1 to be seen). He see them and knows straight away something is wrong (they have turned). They chase him to try to kill him, he gets into the kitchen and blocks the door. He knows he has to do something so that he can get out alive. He grabs a Knife whilst the door is about to open, Matt jumps into the kill because he knows that he wont survive if they both will jump on him (Matts Scientist friend & his wife). He kills them both with all his might, he then releases that they had a daughter named Elizabeth watt. He goes around the house to find her and sees that she isnt affected but she is frightened.
She tells him that they just turned and she told him that you are about to aswell. She shows were her dad did experiments on people in his lab. Matt was shocked at that point because he knew nothing of this. He finds the anti virus to help you get better. He was about to inject him self but they was turning and he couldnt. The girl jabed him quickly so he can get better.
Matt got knocked colded for alittle bit. Elizabeth woke him up telling him that they are here and we had to go. They jumped into the SUV and went broke through the garage and gate (Zombies chasing them).
The go through the radio and see a report telling anyone that is alive to go to his shelter based somewhere.
There nearly at the shelter but the car breaks downs, they see that the forest is around them, he run into it because they saw zombies on the road behind them. Both of them were runing towards the shelter in the forest and zombies were chasing them.
They got to the gate were everyone was whilst they were getting chase, they shouted out loud to worn the guards of there appearance. They started to shot and start killing the zombies behind them.
Finally they got in and they gave the anti virus to the main person behind the gate.
1 year later they show everyone is Okay and elizabeth is living with Matt and he is treating her as a farther in a Big house.


Dr Matt Cozens - Aged 27; He is a Harvard Graduate and is currently working in Chemistry. He is currently recorgnized to be 1 of the best scientist of the younger generation. He is very inspired by other older scientists that are currently just above his level of expertise at the moment. He work all over the work because of what he can do for other people across the world.

Sister; Daniel Cozens - Aged 18; She was a late comer in the family of the Cozens. Her Father died when she was small because of some medical decease. Her Mother had died on the day of Daniels birth due to alot of stress she had raising 1 kid alone and well she never got the chance to meet her. Matt helped raise her with his Uncle who you dont see in the opening sequence because hes not a character sent in the video. She was studying Chemistry because she wanted to follow her brothers footsteps.

Elizabeth Watt - Aged 8; She is a normal girl who doesnt really know anything about her fathers doing, she is the type of girl who likes to be good but also very mischievous at certain times. She goes to one of the best private schools in the UK.

Elizabeths Parents:

Father; Joe Watt -

Mother; Jennifer Watt -

Place (Locations)

  • Common room to be set for the main event were she is watching Tv.
  • Stairs in the common room will be used to show the scenes where she runs upstairs & also where the zombie runs to get her.
  • Media Room used as the room where she will grab the camera and sit infront of the door and record herself telling her brother Matt that somebody is trying to get her.
  • College car park will be used to show the zombies running towards the building.
  • The Area infront of the Williams Murdock building will be used also to show the zombies running.

Idea 2: The Man who lives downstairs]

This is about a man who works in a Big school.
- He cleans all the school at night so everything is runing properlly the next day.
- He had family problems when he was younger and is alittle crazy.
- Kids starts to bully him and he gets affected by this which gives him have trouble to go to sleep at night making which makes him alittle more crazy.
- In the Basement he sharpens knifes and thinks about what he can do with these things.
- He hears something upstairs and goes to check it out.
- He sees a kid and the kid tournts him.
- The man starts to have visions of his past try to make it stop but he then goes mad and kills the boy and hides his body. - His family is wondering what is going on and start to search for him.
- His father finds out who killed his son though a series of events. - The father goes alittle crazy and seeks avengence. They go through a series of events such as fights, more murders etc......

To cut the story straight at the end they get into a big fight and are trying to kill each other. The father kills him and then enjoys the excitement from it and then he steps into the manz shoes and starts to kill people who he hated etc.....

Idea 3 Bullied

This story is about a young kid named James. James is not the most popular person in school; as a matter of fact he is the least popular. He is a quiet and shy kid that does not have any friends and always gets bullied due to his appearance and the fact that he is way over weight for his age. The start of the film we see James getting bullied by the cool kids in the school. They make fun of his appearance and call him all sorts of bad names. However James is too frightened to go to a teacher or tell his parent how he is being treated by his fellow peers. As a result of this the he keeps getting bullied and this carries on as he moves from primary school to secondary school. James is a quiet kid but what people don’t know about him is that he is a bit crazy and when he goes home he thinks of ways of getting them back. He has a book where he writes down everyone’s name that had ever bullied him. Next to that is his sketch book that has drawings of him killing each one of the bullies. At times James feels his drawings should come to reality but fear stops him each time. The bullies once catch James with the books but laugh in is face and throw the books back in his face. We then see him get bullied throughout his secondary school years up to the last day. The last day of school was also James’s last day in town.

Over the years James has grown up and the James everyone knows from school is gone and the newly improved James is here. James is now 20 years old is a young good looking man and he is now confident and a manager of a big company. In a way James thanks all those bullies as it has made him the man he is today but will never forget the torture they put him through during his school days. One day James is redecorating his expensive apartment when he finds an old box that is all taped up. He opens up the box and finds his book with all the bullies’ names on and the drawings he drew when he was still at school. He goes through the book which reminds him the pain and suffering he had to go through and at that exact moment he made a promise to himself. The promise was that he was going to get his payback on every single person that had ever bullied him. This leads to him doing some research on the whereabouts of them bullies and a chain of murders follows. Like every killer he has a trademark kill which is he engraves the next kills name on the forehead of the bully he has just killed. The news reaches out on the news and every newspaper and now the bullies are terrified but they don’t know who the killer could be. One bully suggests it could be James but thought was thrown out the window as felt James does not have the courage or brains to pull it off. Now all the bullies are killed except for the main bully and he is frightened to death. He doesn’t know who it could be until he finds a book lying in his bed. The bully opens up the book and looking at all the pictures he realises that its James’s book. The bully is now confident and thinks he thinks he would bully him just like he did in school. But what he doesn’t know is that James is a completely different man. All of a sudden from the darkness from one of the corners of the room James emerges and they have a big showdown. After a couple of tries James eventually kills the bully and feels he has accomplished his goals. James grabs his jacket and walks out the door like nothing happened. And to this day the murders of all them bullies is still a mystery.

Idea 4 Haunted Mansion

This is about four young school friends that end up going into a haunted mansion and where never seen again. Karl, Matt, Gina and Paula are best friends and do everything together. On the way back from school they have to go past a house that people say is haunted. No one has lived in the house for more than 20 years and word is that the owner of the house was killed by school kids. They say he was killed by being stabbed in the neck and people often say they see him looking from the window with the knife through his neck. Karl doesn’t believe the story so he tells the others he is going to go in at midnight and prove that there is no ghost in there. His friends decide to join him and they all walk towards the house at midnight. Before they touch the door is opens automatically and everyone is scared but they decide to go in anyway. Inside the house they see cobwebs all over the place. They search the house and find nothing until they go upstairs and check each room one by one. They open the door a see a big portrait of the man that was killed. They walk inside the room and all of a sudden the door closes and there is no way out. Everyone is panicking now and fears that they are all going to die. Then they see the portrait moving and the ghost come out. The ghost then thinks that they are the kids that killed him and from his neck he pulls out the knife and stabs every single one of them in the neck. 20 years has now past and the new story is that four school kids where murdered by a ghost in the house and their souls still live there and at times people say they have heard kids screaming for help. We then see four new school kids with their plans to prove that the house is not haunted.

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