Friday 13 November 2009

Filming of a short opening sequence

Me and JT needed to film a short piece showing that we understand the 180 degrees rule. This was the first time that me and Jt have ever filmed anything so it was quite difficult for us at the beginning but once we got the hang of it became a lot easier. Our plot was very simple, we see two people exchanging an iPod and then walking off. First off me and JT tried to tackle the filming of the short clip but found it very difficult as there was only two of us with acting and doing the camera work as well. However we solved this problem by asking a young lady we found in the corridors of the college to help us out. She agreed and we were on our way again. The first big problem we got was the fact that the corridors were too narrow and we couldn’t get the shots that we wanted. To solve this problem we went some where else were we could get all the shots. The second problem we got was with the camera that kept fading in every time we press play/pause on the camera. We decided to change the camera and filmed the whole clip. Looking back at the short sequence we thought that it looked a bit unprofessional and the acting was not very good, so we decided to take two of our classmates (Matt & Karl) that had already finished filming their own short clip to act in our video. Me and JT then worked on the camera and told Matt and Karl what to do in each scene. We had little trouble filming the second time round and were happy with the end result. We watched the short clip again in class were our class mates were able to put forward their thoughts on our clip. All our class mates liked our short clip and thought there was nothing wrong with it. However our teacher (Paula) put forward a little scare when she thought that we had broken the 180 degrees rule. But we didn’t and we understood were she was coming from as it does look like it due to the corridors wall bending. Overall I enjoyed filming and it has given me the confidence to film even more in the near future.

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